Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What is Adam without Eve?
A new year with no eve.

He's a star with no light,
A day with no night;

A groom with no bride.
A prince with no pride.

He fights to get her;
And pretend to neglect her.

He's a child with no mother;
Romeo with no lover.

He's a king with no kingdom.
An old man with no wisdom.

He's a fish out of water.
A court with no order.

He's a solder without a sword.
A poem without a word.

That's Man without Woman.
8th. Sep, 2005


Blogger Touta said...

adam without eve=no problems for adam or eve. hehehehe. And you know its true. :D

10:09 AM  
Blogger attawie said...

i thing this is the first time to see you here touta, right? :)

5:24 AM  
Blogger David said...

Adam without Eve is a lonely man! ;)

I have always thought that the ancient storytellers that created the story of Adam and Eve had to be men with a rather low opinion of women. In the story, Eve was not the equal of Adam, and it was Eve who did wrong and got them kicked out of Eden. Well, from what I have seen of men alive today and back through history, it is mostly men who lust for the tree of knowledge. Some knowledge is good, but other knowledge brings only sorrow and death.

I was watching an interesting documentary about archaeologists and linguists who study bible stories and try to find evidence of them in the ancient past. According to some scholars, the story of Adam, Eve, and the garden of Eden predates the Jewish religion and may be a myth from the ancient Sumerian civilization from what is today southern Iraq. Myths are interesting to me in that they give clues to what our ancient ancestors thought and experienced.

12:09 AM  

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